Take the production planning from Reporting Authority ,Check machine, raw material, manpower, method in place or not put In check sheet. If not satisfactory inform Superior immediately.
Study previous failures on the given product plan and assure preventive action Communicate the preventive actions plan to worker through photograph/Videos/Instruction. Need to be evident.
Check Raw material stock as per the plan in regular basis and give report to HOD for relevant action.
Check machines and tools availability for production if any thing needs to be done report HOD and related maintenance officer.
Monitor and analyse the gaps of achievement(operator wise hrly. Basis), identify the action plan Put into google sheet. communicate and execute immediately.
You are authorized to stop process if found any quality deviation which can affect on product. At the same time you have to inform reporting authority immediately.
In case of quality deviations in CTP & CTQ and effect on product person wise hrly. basis report and corrective action to be noted down in google sheet and take immediate corrective action . Communicate to reporting authority